The Jourdan River Blueway Trail invites canoers and kayakers to explore an 8.5-mile trail through coastal floodplains and a riverine ecological system. The river trail links the McLeod Park canoe launch to the Bayou Talla boat launch.
The tranquil waters of the upper Jourdan River offer a haven for birds, wildlife…and paddlers! From Bayou Bacon to Bayou Talla, the Blueway Trail guides kayaker and canoe enthusiasts past artesian springs, hardwood forests, and through the natural beauty of Hancock County. From the boat launch at McLeod Park, paddlers may go upriver past oxbow lakes and bluffs to Bayou Bacon. The trail continues downriver past sandbars, the Highway 603 Bridge, houses, and restaurants of Jourdan River Shores to the Bayou Talla boat launch. Please note: The Jourdan River (below McLeod Park) is a popular area for high-speed water sports, so remain aware as you paddle down the trail.
Directions: From Interstate 10 take Exit #13 North to Texas Flat Road, recently designated the Santa Rosa Scenic Byway to Space, turn left proceeding a few miles to the park located on the right.
Virtually explore the Jourdan River!