Biloxi Tour Train
For more than fifty years, the Biloxi Tour Train has treated thousands of visitors to an historical journey. The "SHRIMP TRAIN" as it is affectionately called, is a 90 minute narrated tour through Biloxi's Historical District. Enjoy authentic Biloxi hospitality on a casual open-air tour that is perfect for everyone. Reservations suggested! Call for departure times.
Your journey begins at the Biloxi Lighthouse and travels the neighborhood streets lined with 18th and 19th century architecture. Yes, Katrina did destroy many historical points of interest. Some may never return. However, all is not lost. You can still experience the people, places and sites that make up the rich cultural heritage that is unique to Biloxi. Enjoy a casual open air tour that is perfect for everyone. Individuals, groups, seniors, children, newlyweds and kin folks alike enjoy this unique journey.