It is not our intention to serve a large variety of dishes, nor to serve the commonplace in either recipe or quality. There are enough places where those can be had. Many of the specialties you find on this menu are Trilby’s own; prepared and served in a manner that has remained unchanged for over thirty years. Some items may sound more conventional, such as chicken or beef, but you will find a take on a new appeal. The difference starts with the selection of only the best meats and ingredients which are seasoned and prepared with painstaking care and a flair of good cooking that is distinctively Trilby’s.
This simple menu has changed but little over the years. Yet, its selections have invariably pleased diners of wide and discriminating tastes. We intend to keep it so.
If you are our guest for the first time, we hope you enjoy the meal and that no matter when or how often you return, you will always find it the same.