High Times Charters
679 Beach Boulevard, Biloxi Small Craft Harbor, Biloxi, MS 39530
(228) 392-5335
High Times Chartersis a 38’ Sport Fisherman with air-conditioning, full bathroom and all the amenities of home. Catch some of the best fish the Mississippi Gulf Coast has to offer, Red fish, king mackerel, grouper, red snapper, cobia and black tip shark are only a sample of the fish you can catch.
High Times Charters offers trolling, bottom fishing, rig trips, day trips, barrier island cruises, extended trips available and bait, tackle, ice & fishing license are included.
Biloxi Small Craft Harbor – Maximum 6 passengers
Charter Fishing
- Air Conditioned:
- Bottom Fishing:
- Fish Cleaning & Packaging:
- Inshore Fishing:
- OffShore Fishing:
- Restroom on Board:
- Rig Fishing: