Annual Doyle Bond Youth Fishing Rodeo

30°43'38.9"N 88°43'05.0"W, Vancleave, MS
(228) 826-5330

On Saturday, May 3, 2025, Vancleave, MS – The Jackson County Board of Supervisors and the Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks have teamed up to host the Annual Doyle Bond Youth Fishing Rodeo for ages 15 and younger. Registration begins at 7:30 a.m. at Doyle’s Pond on the Land Between the Creeks Wildlife Management Area, which is 15 miles north of Vancleave, MS, on Highway 57; follow the fishing rodeo signs. This free event will have youth fishing for catfish on Doyle’s Pond. 

Grab your pole, catch some catfish to take home, and get out to enjoy nature in Jackson County. There will be loaner poles while supplies last. Bait will be provided by Killer Bee Bait. MDWFP has stocked this freshwater lake with catfish, and the fish will be biting on Saturday morning.

There will be prizes for tagged fish and drawings for prize giveaways throughout the morning. Prizes include rods and reels, tackle boxes, bait buckets, and more! There will also be goody bags while supplies last. Prizes, fishing, and fun!

This event is dedicated to Doyle Bond. Mr. Bond was an avid hunter and fisherman. For the past 13 years, he has been a Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks Area Manager for the Pascagoula River Wildlife Management Area. Doyle was an environmentalist and a true champion of wildlife. 

Thanks to our generous sponsors, this event has no registration fee. Bait will be provided. So, bring your children to enjoy a wonderful morning outdoors to fish on a beautiful pond all at no charge…compliments of our sponsors

For more information, please contact Jackson County Recreation at 228-826-5330. 

***Event dates and details are provided by our Tourism Partners and are subject to change or cancellation by the event host/organizer. Please refer to the event host's website or Facebook event for the most up-to-date event detail information.